Are You a Cat Addict?
(author unknown)
Do you, or have you ever owned a cat(s)?
Have you felt like you are the pet?
Do you spend more time playing/cuddling with your cat(s) than reading a book or watching TV?
Does your cat(s) eat better than you?
Does your cat(s) furniture look nicer than the people furniture?
Does your cat have more toys than you do?
Do you spend more on the cat toys and food than you do on treats for yourself?
Are your cat(s) considered family members with complete voting rights?
Do you move over at night so the cat(s) have more room in bed?
Have you bought/considered buying a bigger bed so the cat(s) have more room?
Are nose prints on windows a permanent fixture?
Do you/have you ever gotten down on all fours and batted a cat toy to entice your cat(s) to play?
Do you mimic the meows and purrs of a cat?
Can you purr while inhaling and exhaling?
Do you refer to yourself/spouse/partner as Mommy/Meowmie or Daddy?
Do you refer to your cat(s) as "furbaby" or "furkid"?
Have you ever moved for the comfort of your cat(s)?
Have you chosen a spouse/partner based on your cat(s) recommendation?
Have you ever just watched a sleeping cat(s)?
Have you ever gone to the store to buy a necessary item such as TP, shampoo, etc., only to find yourself driving away with cat toys, having completely forgotten why you went in the first place?
Have you ever changed your sleeping habits or positions for the comfort of your cat(s)?
Have you ever found yourself sleeping in the exact same position as your cat(s)?
Have you ever rearranged the furniture so that your cat(s) have better access to windows?
Does your collection of cat-related books, magazines, or videos takeup an entire bookshelf/case?
Is the cat theme a primary decorating technique?
Have you ever caught yourself bird-watching with your cat(s)?
Is cat hair a major food group?
Have you ever opened a can of cat food and thought "that smells kinda good"?
Do you like cats better than most people?
Do you feel guilty if you go out to eat and not bring back something for your cat(s)?
Do you spend more on your cat(s) than on yourself?
Have you turned the TV to an animal show so your cats can watch?
Do you spend more time on cat-related chat boards and pages than anywhere else?
Do you read snippets of cat magazines or books to your cat(s)?
Are cats the most fascinating creatures on earth?
Add up all your YES answers to get your cat-itis score
8 or less: You have caught the bug, but are still relatively sane. Just give it time.
9-16: You have a mild case of cat-itis. Seek no medical treatment; there is no cure. Now is the time to begin playing with cat toys and seeking new toys around the house. Work on that meow, the tone is slightly off.
17-26: Your condition is severe. Cats have a firm hold on your life. This is the point where anything cat is more interesting than people. Your purr may still need work though.
27+: You are now an honorary cat, you may groom yourself when and where you please. You have the purr and meow down pat. It is not unusual to find yourself thinking as a cat.