“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not” -Ernest Hemingway

Thursday, November 6

Saturday, October 11

15th ICA - FIFe International Cat Show

15th ICA - FIFe International Cat Show akan diadakan pada tanggal 13-14 Desember 2008 di Main Hall City of Tomorrow Mall Surabaya dengan Juri Internasional FIFe dari Swiss bernama Mr. Alfred Wittich.

Kelas yang dibuka :
- Novice Class
- Pedigree Class
- Housecats (Shorthair & Longhair)

Monday, August 25

A Proud Cattery Woman and Her Golden Boy

Just take a look at the picture below, then you'll see how proud she is to have him as a member of the family!

PS. This photograph was taken on August 24, 2008 and he got a ribbon titled BIV plus another CAC

Thursday, July 10

11th & 12th FIFe - ICA International Cat Show

We've just come back from Jakarta to participate in the 11th & 12th FIFe - ICA International Cat Show held on June 28 - 29, 2008 in BBPK Ciloto Auditorium with two FIFe International Judges - Mr. Eric Reijers from Czech Republic and Mr. Albert Kurkowski from Poland.

It was fun - yet tiring, coz it took almost 11 hours to get to Gambir train station, Jakarta from Surabaya - then we continued the journey by minibus to Ciloto which was another 2.5 hours.

Four cats from Koechingkoe Cattery attended the contest, two in Open Class - Tee Cee Tinkerbell of Koechingkoe & Stupa Lucky Mocha of Koechingkoe, and the other two in Junior Class - Koechingkoe Handsome Ace & Koechingkoe Adorable Aiko.

Here are few photos of them in the show ring!

Tinkerbell a.k.a Olin




Some pictures taken in the hotel room the day after the show!

Saturday, July 5

Joy and Her Very First Litter

I thought Joy would be able to become a great mom as she would have been 19 months old when she gave birth to her kittens, but it was completely wrong.

She'd been acting such a kid during pregnancy - didn't really care about the change in her body and kept on running around, playing hide and seek with other cats, jumping up and down the high rise condo, and other activities which made us worried that those would lead up to miscarriage. Well, thank God that didn't happen - the pregnancy finally reached 55 days and I took her for an x-ray, then showed the result to the vet. We could see there were 5 little kittens inside her stomach and when the vet did the ultrasonography on her we only heard 4 pulses, but the vet said there was nothing to worry about the other kitten that might hide somewhere we didn't manage to find.

In short - Joy finally gave birth to her very first litter but I was worried it came a week earlier than expected. The process was quite long, as Joy might not realize she was in the middle of delivering her babies - she kept on playing around, enjoyed her food as usual (strange isn't it? coz most cats will cease touching food approximately one day before the day), she even fell asleep after the 3rd kitten was born - she really didn't care about the contractions she was having and she tried to focus on licking herself all over the body *which perhaps it was just a distraction to the pain she had*

Then the 4rd baby came out - already without the birth sac - so the vet who helped the delivery process started wiping the face and the whole body to dry off the newborn as well as giving the good circulation. Too bad, he didn't survive. The last kitten was born right after the vet gave Joy a shot of induction.

Two blue torties and two creams were born, but they were all underweight. The smallest kittens I've ever seen - they weighed ranging from 40 to 60 grams only on the first day. We did our best to those little creatures by giving warm bed, forcing Joy to breast feed the babies and lick them, bottle-feeding them while we didn't manage to get their mother lying down on her back, rubbing their spines to encourage better blood circulation, etc. But still we didn't get the chance to see them grow. They all went to rainbow bridge less than a week after they saw the world. Joy didn't feel sad at all, she just enjoyed all her daily routines as if nothing happened.
Well... 19 months old but still she is not mature enough for being a mom!

Saturday, May 3

Got a new tent - hooraaaaayyyyy!

Found this cute tent in Ikea a while ago and right after setting it up, Mike - the domestic cat I took from the street approximately a month ago - jumped into it and slept in it as if he wanted to show the others that the 'mouse look a like' tent was bought only for him.

Fruit Store Mascot

These pictures were taken spontaneously as I got my digital camera somewhere nearby and I saw her lying down right beside the honeydew melon bought in the supermarket the night before. Isn't she cute? Will it be possible for her to be a fruit store mascot?

Monday, March 31

JD and The Gang

Just found these photographs which drew me back to the year 2005. Here's the 5 siblings - the 1st litter of Lulu and Obit - named Vodka Brandy Whisky Tequila and Jack Daniel (a.k.a JD).

Sunday, March 30

Home Sweet Home

I really hope the Cat Kingdom dwellers might feel our new house as home sweet home. The house itself has got more bed rooms so we put all the studs and queens in separate cageless rooms. Then we also use a dedicated room for the lactating queen and the babies.
Luckily, the living room's quite spacious so we've turned it into a nice cozy indoor playground for them to play during day time. The other section we call Intensive Care Corner is used for any dwellers who's got health problem, it's located at the back side of the house but still adjescent to the indoor playground.
I've captured some pictures of our new house, let's have a look then. Enjoy!

Queen Room

Stud Room

Nursery Room

Indoor Playground