Tuesday, December 9
Thursday, November 6
Thursday, October 30
Saturday, October 11
15th ICA - FIFe International Cat Show
Kelas yang dibuka :
- Novice Class
- Pedigree Class
- Housecats (Shorthair & Longhair)
Monday, August 25
A Proud Cattery Woman and Her Golden Boy
Thursday, July 10
11th & 12th FIFe - ICA International Cat Show

Some pictures taken in the hotel room the day after the show!
Saturday, July 5
Joy and Her Very First Litter
In short - Joy finally gave birth to her very first litter but I was worried it came a week earlier than expected. The process was quite long, as Joy might not realize she was in the middle of delivering her babies - she kept on playing around, enjoyed her food as usual (strange isn't it? coz most cats will cease touching food approximately one day before the day), she even fell asleep after the 3rd kitten was born - she really didn't care about the contractions she was having and she tried to focus on licking herself all over the body *which perhaps it was just a distraction to the pain she had*
Then the 4rd baby came out - already without the birth sac - so the vet who helped the delivery process started wiping the face and the whole body to dry off the newborn as well as giving the good circulation. Too bad, he didn't survive. The last kitten was born right after the vet gave Joy a shot of induction.
Saturday, May 3
Got a new tent - hooraaaaayyyyy!
Fruit Store Mascot
These pictures were taken spontaneously as I got my digital camera somewhere nearby and I saw her lying down right beside the honeydew melon bought in the supermarket the night before. Isn't she cute? Will it be possible for her to be a fruit store mascot?
Monday, March 31
JD and The Gang
Sunday, March 30
Home Sweet Home
Luckily, the living room's quite spacious so we've turned it into a nice cozy indoor playground for them to play during day time. The other section we call Intensive Care Corner is used for any dwellers who's got health problem, it's located at the back side of the house but still adjescent to the indoor playground.
I've captured some pictures of our new house, let's have a look then. Enjoy!
Indoor Playground