“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not” -Ernest Hemingway

Thursday, July 10

11th & 12th FIFe - ICA International Cat Show

We've just come back from Jakarta to participate in the 11th & 12th FIFe - ICA International Cat Show held on June 28 - 29, 2008 in BBPK Ciloto Auditorium with two FIFe International Judges - Mr. Eric Reijers from Czech Republic and Mr. Albert Kurkowski from Poland.

It was fun - yet tiring, coz it took almost 11 hours to get to Gambir train station, Jakarta from Surabaya - then we continued the journey by minibus to Ciloto which was another 2.5 hours.

Four cats from Koechingkoe Cattery attended the contest, two in Open Class - Tee Cee Tinkerbell of Koechingkoe & Stupa Lucky Mocha of Koechingkoe, and the other two in Junior Class - Koechingkoe Handsome Ace & Koechingkoe Adorable Aiko.

Here are few photos of them in the show ring!

Tinkerbell a.k.a Olin




Some pictures taken in the hotel room the day after the show!

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