“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not” -Ernest Hemingway

Sunday, March 30

Home Sweet Home

I really hope the Cat Kingdom dwellers might feel our new house as home sweet home. The house itself has got more bed rooms so we put all the studs and queens in separate cageless rooms. Then we also use a dedicated room for the lactating queen and the babies.
Luckily, the living room's quite spacious so we've turned it into a nice cozy indoor playground for them to play during day time. The other section we call Intensive Care Corner is used for any dwellers who's got health problem, it's located at the back side of the house but still adjescent to the indoor playground.
I've captured some pictures of our new house, let's have a look then. Enjoy!

Queen Room

Stud Room

Nursery Room

Indoor Playground

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